My Darling Son,

There will never be words to express how my heart aches. I always said you were me easiest baby, you slept through the night from the first day home from the hospital. You ate anything that was put in front of you and you loved everyone. I have always been so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You have such a kind heart and it shows by all of the family and friends that love you so much. I think back at the times you would call me and ask me little questions like, "Mom, what's a moo point?" I'll miss that so much. You were always there for me, all I had to do was call. You would come and mow for me or whatever I needed. We would visit for hours at work, about weekend events or just general events. I will miss you coming in and asking, "Mom, can you burn me a new CD, I need some work music." Then there were the discussions of politics, WOW! You knew what you believed and that was all there was to it. No one could sway you toward the left. Remember Going to the lake, you wearing the life jacket for 8 hours and having sun burnt arms and a white chest. Having fishing contests with your little sister because she caught all the big ones! You grew into such a beautiful, charming, wit filled young man. Our family will be missing a link for the rest of our lives. I know you will be watching over us and keeping us safe because you have always been a protector. As time goes by our sorrow will lessen but you will NEVER be forgotten we will keep you in our thoughts and our hearts.




This site is dedicated to the memory 

of Zakery Robert "ZAK" Johnson

Click on "The DOG" (the primer gray pickup)

to view the tribute that Zak's sister Lexi 

designed and was played at the Celebration 

of Zak's life on Sunday, June 17th, 2007.

(It may take a minute).

My First thought was how can I say goodbye to a person who I love so much and share so many memories with. After that I realized that I don't have to say goodbye, I need to be there with him and let him know that I will try my hardest to make him so proud. Make him a promise to take care of mom, dad and Josh. I have to thank him for being there to see me graduate, and reassure him that as long as he is there for me I will make him proud. Tell him I love him and that there won't be one day that I won't think of him. Thank him for teaching me that life can't be taken too seriously and that I can do anything I desire. Thank him for loving me and telling so many people how great of a sister I am. Before I go I tell him one more time that I love him and that one day I will see him again but until then I need him to watch over me. 


News clip from Sunday, June 10, 2007 

Motorcycle accident on Upriver


News clip from Sunday, June 17, 2007

KHQ Local News 11@11 on June 17, 2007